Hi everyone
It's Sunday the day after and I am at the Plant filling orders to ship to Mexico.
This gives me lots of time to reflect and soak on how this plane compares to all
the rest of Baslees creations.
All I can say is that it is clearly in a class
of it's own.
Several have asked me how it compares
to my other favorite which is Butch Whitlocks
Fokker D-7
They are both true classic art forms.
Butch's D-7 is more Picaso with it's
bright colors and blistering flight performance
namely rocketing rate of climb and snappy roll
Butches plane has the WW1 look with modern
day performance and reliability.
Now this Sopwith Camel by Russ Turner
would have to be a Micheal Angelo.
With a welded chromoly Fuselage and
stainless rolled flying wires and 9 cylinder
radial it becomes a time machine.
This plane is all that a replica builder could
ever hope for.....
The real thing.
This plane is truely a time machine taking me
back in time without the nasty realities that the real
Camels had.
This is a super sweet handling plane.
No it doesn't do the Baslee blast off and it's
ailerons won't snap your neck.
Instead it just makes your spine tingle
and gives you goose bumps.
Here it is a day later and I am still grinning
like a hound dog eating briars.
It has been raining all morning so I may
not get to fly it again until after Oshkosh.
I'm sure this plane has a lot more to say.