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Fokker D-VII {80% scale}
Fokker Dr-1 {Full scale}
Fokker Dr-I {3/4 scale}
Fokker E-III {3/4 scale}
Fokker D-VIII {3/4 scale}
Fokker D-VI {3/4 scale}
1914 Tabue {3/4 scale}

Nieuport 16 {Full scale}
Nieuport 17 {Full scale}
Nieuport 17 bis {Full scale}
Nieuport 23 {Full scale}
Nieuport 24 {Full scale}
Nieuport 24 bis {Full scale}
Nieuport 25 {Full scale}
Nieuport 27 {Full scale}
Nieuport 28 {Full scale}
Sopwith Pup {Full scale}
Sopwith Camel {Full scale}

Bleriot XI
The Dream Classic
The Dream Fantasy
The Dream Classic {Strut Braced}

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Torque Master Engine
  Reduction Drive


WEIGHT.............. 275 POUNDS (EXP)
                     253 POUNDS (UL)
STALL SPEED......... 32 MPH
                    63 (UL)
TOP SPEED........... 92 MPH (EXP)
                     78 MPH (UL)
RATE OF CLIMB....... 1120 FPM (EXP)
                     750 FPM (UL)
ENGINE:............. ROTAX 503, 52 HP (EXP)
ROTAX 377, 35 HP (UL)
(Engines that have been successfully installed:
VW Torquemaster, Continental A65 & 0145 Lycoming)
During the closing weeks of the First World War there appeared over the front lines a nimble little monoplane that is generally credited as being one of the finest fighters of the war. This was the Fokker D-VIII of the German Air Force. Powered by a rotary Oberursel engine of 110 horsepower, the D-VIII had a speed of 115 m.p.h. It climbed at a rate of 1,500 feet per minute and could climb to over 20,000 feet. Its ability to maneuver and dive was unexcelled.

So superior was the performance of this ship that it would have been a tremendous blow to the Allied Air Forces had a great number been completed before the war's end. Only thirty-six D-VIIIs entered combat service during the last weeks of the war. Even though it was underpowered, it was still an excellent fighter. The last aerial combat victory of WWI was an aircraft shot down by a Fokker D-VIII. Because of its narrow profile, the allied pilots called it "The Flying Razor."

The kit you get from Airdrome Aeroplanes is complete in every way up to your final color coat. The kit and the excellent builder support you will receive from Airdrome Aeroplanes will get you in the air in a fraction of the time needed to build other WW-1 replica aircraft. No hunting for parts or waiting for shipments. Airdrome Aeroplane's kits have it all!! All nuts, bolts, rivets, gusset plates, machined plugs, tubing and any other hardware are included in the kits. You can get much more information about this kit... just give us a call.


All aluminum tubing to complete fuselage, wings, landing gear, cabines, lift struts, and formers. All aluminum sheet metal to construct gussets, cowling, & seat. All machined parts for control systems, lift struts, axles, and wings. All AN hardware to build aircraft, eye bolts, locknuts, thimbles, nico press swedges , aircraft cable (rudder cables, drag/anti/drag braces). Ball bearing rod ends for control system. Stainless steel pop rivets. Main wheels, tail wheel, spun aluminum nose bowl, plans and builders video. All covering supplies through silver.


Deluxe kit consists of complete airframe kit plus engine mount and fuel tank. Also available are spun aluminum wheel covers. 



Kit #1, Rudder

Includes materials to construct rudder spar, rudder bow, ribs, gussets, control horn, wooden dowel rods, hinges, rivets, AN hardware and plans.

The rudder kit is introduces as the first assembly designed to introduce a new builder to the method of construction as well as familiarize him with the plans. Approximate construction time: 6 hours

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #2, Fuselage

This kit consists of materials to construct fuselage ladder truss, gussets, inner sleeves, machine parts, rivets, AN hardware, hinges and plans. Fuselage just be constructed prior to proceeding with the other kits. Approximate construction time: 48 hours.

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #3, Horizontal Stabilizer and Elevator

This kit consists of materials to construct spars, Elevator bow, horizontal frame, ribs, gussets, rivets, wooden dowel rods, hinges, inner sleeves, An hardware and plans. Approximate building time: 9 hours.

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #4, Landing Gear

Consists of materials required to construct gear legs, gussets, axle, main wheels, bearings, machined parts, bracing cables, nico press swedges, tangs, An hardware, tail wheel, bungee cord, and plans. Approximate building time: 14 hours.

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #5, Wing

Consists of materials to construct spars, compression struts, inner sleeves, machined parts, ribs, top bow, hinges, drag/anti-drag cables, nico press swedges, thimbles, tangs, gussets, rivets, An hardware, wooden dowel rods and plans. Approximate construction time: 80 hours.

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #6, Cabanes and Lift Struts

Consists of materials to construct lift struts, Cabanes, all machined lift forks, ovalized tubing, gussets, An hardware, wooden dowel rods and plans. Approximate construction time: 80 hours.

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #7, Control Systems

Consists of materials to construct torque tube assemble, elevator push/pull tube, rudder pedals, cables, nico press swedges, thimbles, tangs, machined parts, uniflex cables, An hardware, sheet metal, ball bearing rod ends, floor pans and plans. Approximate construction time: 18 hours

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #8, Firewall and Formers

Consists of materials to construct firewall, sheet metal for seat, tubing for formers, wooden dowel rods, rivets, front deck, instrument panel, turtle deck former. Approximate construction time: 16 hours.

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #9, Covering Supplies

Consists of materials required to cover aircraft, ceconite poly tak, poly brush, poly spray, reinforcing tape, rivets, finishing tapes. Approximate building time: 75 hours.

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #10, Fuel Tank

Fuel tank comes welded with supplies to install sight gauge.

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #11, Engine Mounts

Engine mount comes welded and ready for installation. 

Cost... See Order Form

Kit #12, Cowling

Kit consists of spun aluminum nose bowl and sheet metal for wrap around.

Cost... See Order Form

The Airdrome Airplanes 3/4 scale FOKKER D-VIII can be constructed using normal hand tools consisting of hacksaw, hand drill, file, pop rivet gun, wrenches, and hand nico press tool. Area required for construction should be approximate the size of a single car garage.


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� 20010-2011 Airdrome Aeroplanes ~ 929 NW Road 1571, Holden, MO 64040 ~ 816-230-8585